Deliver your Community Action Plan

When your Community Action Plan has been planned and approved, it’s time to deliver!

Key LDAT delivery activities

  • Continue to engage with your community and partners
  • Promote your activities
  • Monitor and evaluate your Community Action Plan
  • Acquit your finances
  • Next steps

Continually engage your LDAT partners to assist with the development, delivery or evaluation of a specific activity as part of a Community Acton Plan (CAP).

Engaging with communities and partners throughout the delivery of your activity will help maintain relationships, identify potential risks and enable the LDAT to adapt (where necessary),ensuring the delivery of the activity goes to plan.

This will help the ongoing effectiveness and impact of your LDAT and activities, and make sure you have strong leadership, capacity and capability to deliver successful activities to create longer-term and sustainable community change.

LDAT partnerships

A Local Drug Action Team is made up of at least three organisations that share a common vision to establish goals around reducing harm from alcohol and other drugs in their community, add value to the group and contribute to addressing community needs.

LDATs may adapt their partners for short or long-term, dependant on their needs, such as bringing in additional expertise or resources to assist with a specific CAP.

All partnerships should be planned, monitored, at times refreshed and evaluated.

Strong partnerships are critical to addressing the complex causes of alcohol and other drug use.

Working with community partners will enable you to:

  • draw on other local networks and extend your reach into the community
  • harness a range of skills, knowledge and experience
  • draw on different perspectives and rich insights
  • address the complex causes of alcohol and other drug harm, which often transcend the boundaries of individual groups or organisations
  • increase your impact in the community.

Supporting resources

Prepare media releases and social media posts for different events, including announcing the formation of your team, additional funding for your LDAT and the launch or promotion of an activity.

Sharing your successes

In addition to your Alcohol and Drug Foundation reporting requirements, you may like to consider:

  • putting together a one-page summary of your activity successes and learnings that can be easily understood by someone not familiar with the work
  • writing up key findings
  • promoting online by uploading a report to your activity, organisation and partner websites
  • using social media to share key messages
  • contributing short pieces on key findings to sector newsletters or network e-bulletins
  • writing an article for the local paper
  • summarising key findings and getting on the meeting agendas of other local organisations or businesses.

Supporting resources

Data collection

You will evaluate the effectiveness of your prevention activity by monitoring the process and impact measures you set during the planning phase of your CAP. Evaluation data should be collected for each Measurable Activity as it is delivered. Collecting as you go means avoiding additional work later, such as trying to recall attendance data or chasing down participants for survey responses.

You can collect your data using a variety of data collection tools. For a list of common data collection tools, see Collect your data. For help designing your data collection tools our Evaluation Measures Guide provides example survey questions, and our LDAT Alternative Evaluation Methods resource provides impact collection ideas for communities where traditional methods, such as surveys, do not work well.

To learn about how to deliver and evaluate your CAP activity ethically, see Ethical considerations for communities.


Using the evaluation data collected throughout the delivery of your activity, it’s now time to assess what worked and what didn’t. For each of your evaluation measures you will have set a target in your digital CAP. A target represents what you hope to achieve, i.e. to deliver four AOD workshops. It is at the reporting stage that you will report outcomes against the targets that you set for your measures, i.e. four out of four workshops were delivered. You will report your activity outcomes via the digital platform where you submitted your CAP application.

Consider the following when reporting on your data:

  • Does the data show that you met your targets? If not, why?
  • Were there any unexpected findings?
  • What can you learn from the data findings?
  • Who did the activity impact most?
  • What would you do differently next time?

It doesn’t matter if your activity didn’t go as expected, as this will contribute to your learnings and evaluation so you will know what to adapt and include for future activities.

If you plan on collecting qualitative data, please chat with your Relationship Manager about how best to report your findings.

It is a requirement that all LDATs acquit any funding received for the LDAT Program at the conclusion of your CAP.

The purpose is to confirm the funds received were spent as requested and identify if there are any unspent funds that could be used for future activities.

There are two templates for LDATs to use depending on the amount of funding received – over or under $25,000.

Financial Acquittal Templates

Once you have reported on your activity's success, your LDAT may consider follow up activity recommendations, to determine the next suitable CAP activity for your community.

Speak with your ADF Relationship Manager for guidance.

In considering next steps, be sure to review the many resources (including the AOD Lifecycle Planner) that will assist you to determine the type of activity that is suitable for your selected audience.