Collect your data
Data collection tools are the methods used to collect information about your evaluation measures.
This information then tells you whether you have met your evaluation goals. It is likely that you will use several data collection tools. Choosing the right tool for each measure is important as this will determine how you report your findings and share your activity impact with others.
Below are some commonly used data collection tools:
Process data collection tools
- Training calendar
- Attendance registers
- Listener/viewership registers
- Partnerships registers
- Meeting minutes
- Progress reports
- Activity tracking spreadsheets
Impact data collection tools
- Surveys/questionnaires
- Feedback sheets
- Focus groups
- Interviews
- Participant observation
- Yarning circle
Note: when collecting data from human subjects you are responsible for minimizing the risk of potential harms.

Report your data
Once you have collected your activity data you can prepare to report your findings. The reporting process provides you with an opportunity to reflect on what you achieved against your original goals. Consider the following when reviewing your data:
- Does the data show that you met your targets? If not, why?
- Were there any unexpected findings?
- What can you learn from the data findings?
- Who did the activity impact most?
- What would you do differently next time?
Evaluation partners
You may want to engage the support of a researcher or an external evaluator if you feel this would be beneficial. People with specialist expertise in evaluation can provide advice and guidance on approaches to measuring your success.
You will need to engage this support before you commence delivery of your activity so they can guide you on how and when to collect data.