Showing 10 of 15 results for "Evaluation"


Evaluate AOD community efforts, showcase success, identify areas to improve, and plan development.

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Evaluation Tools overview

Evaluation tools from the Alcohol and Drug Foundation’s Local Drug Action Teams help communities measure activities, track progress, and explore alternative data collection methods for impact assessment.

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Getting started with evaluation

Evaluate AOD community activities to assess effectiveness, describe successes, and plan for improvement. Achieve goals and engage funders

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Deliver your Community Action Plan

Implement your LDAT's Community Action Plan. Engage the community, promote activities, and manage finances to local address alcohol and other drug issues.

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Community Action Plan

When you join the Local Drug Action Team Program, you start by developing a Community Action Plan to outline the activities you will deliver.

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Collect your data

Use various data collection tools, such as surveys and interviews, to effectively assess your activity's impact, meet goals, and improve future efforts.

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Evidence-informed prevention for youth

Numerous community prevention programs operate to reduce alcohol and other drug harms in youth. Two examples of evaluated youth prevention programs are outlined below (one local and one international).

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Establish your measures

Measures of success (sometimes called indicators) indicate what needs to be measured in order to assess the project’s success.

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About the LDAT program

Discover the Local Drug Action Team program, a community initiative backed by the Alcohol and Drug Foundation to address alcohol and drug-related harms locally.

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Community approaches

Community-led programs strengthen the ability of the community to identify, prevent and respond to local alcohol and other drug issues.

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Showing 10 of 15 results for "Evaluation"