Showing 10 of 56 results for "Drugs"


The ADF supports and encourages information exchange, but copyright protects our material, documents, publications, graphics, web pages, audio and video

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Community Action Plan

When you join the Local Drug Action Team Program, you start by developing a Community Action Plan to outline the activities you will deliver.

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Education in schools overview

Promote schools with endorsed AOD policies, shaping student attitudes, fostering safer choices through a comprehensive, whole-school approach.

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Community approaches

Community-led programs strengthen the ability of the community to identify, prevent and respond to local alcohol and other drug issues.

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ADF manages the Community Hub, offering support and resources for AOD harm reduction. ADF inspires positive change and leads the LDAT program in Australia.

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LDAT and Planet Youth

Planet Youth works by addressing the risk and protective factors that predict adolescent substance use, helping prevent the problem before it arises.

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Deliver your Community Action Plan

Implement your LDAT's Community Action Plan. Engage the community, promote activities, and manage finances to local address alcohol and other drug issues.

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Key LDAT resources

These key resources will assist teams in building successful Local Drug Action teams and developing effective Community Action Plans

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Consult your community on AOD issues

Empower communities with evidence-based programs. Prioritise community engagement for impactful, tailored initiatives.

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Providing Support for Teenagers toolkit overview

Explore the Alcohol and Drug Foundation's toolkit for supporting teenagers. Get valuable resources and guidance for helping teenagers make healthy choices.

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Showing 10 of 56 results for "Drugs"