Showing 7 of 7 results for "AOD Lifecycle Planner"
Alcohol and other drug lifecycle planner
Use the AOD lifecycle planner for stage-specific community alcohol/drug issues.
243 likes total
Use the AOD Lifecycle Planner to connect with your community
Explore the AOD lifecycle planner for activities in your community and connect with key influencers
7 likes total
Community Action Plan
When you join the Local Drug Action Team Program, you start by developing a Community Action Plan to outline the activities you will deliver.
4 likes total
Key LDAT resources
These key resources will assist teams in building successful Local Drug Action teams and developing effective Community Action Plans
1 likes total
Identify local alcohol and other drug issues
Identify and prioritise AOD issues in your community, gather information for targeted community action to address alcohol and other drug-related issues.
21 likes total
About the LDAT program
Discover the Local Drug Action Team program, a community initiative backed by the Alcohol and Drug Foundation to address alcohol and drug-related harms locally.
12 likes total
Deliver your Community Action Plan
Implement your LDAT's Community Action Plan. Engage the community, promote activities, and manage finances to local address alcohol and other drug issues.
3 likes total