Showing 10 of 73 results for "Alcohol"

Deliver your Community Action Plan

Implement your LDAT's Community Action Plan. Engage the community, promote activities, and manage finances to local address alcohol and other drug issues.

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Key LDAT resources

These key resources will assist teams in building successful Local Drug Action teams and developing effective Community Action Plans

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Engaging the media

Learn how to engage with media effectively to promote community activities. Tips on identifying media, building relationships, and writing media releases.

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AOD and community partnerships

Learn how to identify AOD community partners to address issues in your local community effectively. Explore partnership benefits and useful tips.

18 likes total

How to use our logo

Important guidelines for using the brand mark of the LDAT program

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Legal disclaimer: Information on all Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF) websites is intended as a general guide only.

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AOD and Young Adults Overview

Explore the LDAT toolkit for AOD and Young Adults. Empower institutions in higher education and the workforce to reduce AOD harm effectively.

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Providing Support for Teenagers toolkit overview

Explore the Alcohol and Drug Foundation's toolkit for supporting teenagers. Get valuable resources and guidance for helping teenagers make healthy choices.

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Mentoring toolkit overview

Explore our Mentoring Toolkit for your community. Build mentor-mentee relationships, address AOD dialogue, and support youth through mentoring.

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Creating Social Connection, Belonging and Purpose overview

Enable LDATs to effectively prevent AOD harms by promoting Social Connection, Belonging, and Purpose through community engagement.

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Showing 10 of 73 results for "Alcohol"