Showing 10 of 56 results for "Drugs"

Pharmaceutical Drugs and Your Community

Learn about Pharmaceutical Drugs and Your Community programs, which raise awareness of prescription medication risks. Find support and resources.

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Pharmaceutical Drugs and Your Community overview

Learn about Pharmaceutical Drugs and Your Community Toolkit. Prevent and reduce AOD harms with this guide for Local Drug Action Teams (LDATs).

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Local Drug Action Teams

The Local Drug Action Team program builds ‘protective factors’ in the community - working to prevent alcohol and drug issues forming in the first place.

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Alcohol and other drug lifecycle planner

Use the AOD lifecycle planner for stage-specific community alcohol/drug issues.

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Alcohol, Other Drugs and Young Adults

Discover the LDAT toolkit for AOD and Young Adults. Empower institutions to support young people in reducing AOD harm during key life transitions.

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Alcohol, Other Drugs and Older Adults

Discover the comprehensive LDAT toolkit for AOD and Older Adults. Prevent alcohol and drug-related harms, promoting well-being in adults aged 50 and beyond effectively.

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The role of drug education in schools

Schools play an important role, both inside and beyond the classroom, in preventing alcohol and other drug harms.

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Identify local alcohol and other drug issues

Identify and prioritise AOD issues in your community, gather information for targeted community action to address alcohol and other drug-related issues.

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Alcohol and other drugs in regional and remote areas

A study conducted in early 2019 by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare confirmed alcohol consumption is significantly higher in regional and remote areas of Australia when compared to major cities.

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Australians who use drugs are our community members

When reading statistics, such as the findings from the National Drug Strategy Household Survey, it’s easy to forget that those numbers represent actual people.

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Showing 10 of 56 results for "Drugs"