Key LDAT resources

These key resources will assist teams in building successful Local Drug Action teams and developing effective Community Action Plans. They provide practical support to assist communities in delivering a range of evidence-informed activities that minimise harm caused by alcohol and other drugs.

Alcohol and Other Drug Lifecycle Planner

The AOD Lifecycle Planner helps you find the life stage of the people you plan to work with then select from the suggested activities suitable for this group.

Each activity has an associated evidence-informed toolkit, with a wealth of information, and resources to help guide and develop your community action.

Use this planner to guide the development of a Community Action Plan that addresses local alcohol and other drug (AOD) issues, by addressing risks and building protective factors using the range of evidence-informed toolkits.

Ethics Resource

This resource provides an explanation of what ethics are, important language to note and how to apply ethical principles to your program. Ethical principles guide your work, helping to protect everyone involved from potential harms.

Stigma Resource

This resource is intended to provide a foundation for LDATs to understand what stigma is, how it works, and provide guidance on how to avoid perpetuating it.

Stigma Resource webinar

LGBTI Resource

This resource aims to educate and inform Local Drug Action Teams (LDATs) about key considerations when working with LGBTI communities, including information about LGBTI communities, substance use and strategies for increasing inclusivity of LGBTI people within LDATs.

App Resource

Use this resource as a guide to assessing and developing health apps, the most important consideration is to make sure apps are based on evidence.

Engaging Multicultural Communities guide

This guide to engaging multicultural communities in alcohol harm prevention focuses on engaging communities at the local level, in a way that includes and fosters their representation throughout the design, implementation and evaluation of activities.