Showing 10 of 72 results for "Alcohol"

Community engagement and mobilisation overview

Discover the LDAT toolkit for Community Engagement, empowering communities to identify, engage, and collaboratively act on local issues effectively.

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LDAT Spotlight: Goldfields women explore their greatness

Goldfields Indigenous Housing Organisation (GIHO) LDAT held a cultural photoshoot and Explore Your Greatness workshops

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Blacktown: FASD conversations through art

Art helps intercultural women in Blacktown make more informed decisions about alcohol and other drugs

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Take the guesswork out of drinking: digital campaign pack

Download the resources that to share on social media or in your club room/activity space

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Changing the drinking culture at major events

Some big events, such as festivals, race days, sport competitions or large workplace parties, can become more about drinking than anything else.

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About us

The Community Hub provides information and resources to help Australians have everyday conversations about alcohol and other drugs.

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Get started

Learn more about local AOD issues, consulting with your community, the AOD lifecycle, and which activities address different ages and stages

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Local Drug Action Teams

The Local Drug Action Team program builds ‘protective factors’ in the community - working to prevent alcohol and drug issues forming in the first place.

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Adelaide Metro South LDAT

Adelaide Metro South LDAT is taking a whole-of-community approach to the issue of FASD

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Tailoring projects to local audiences

Local Drug Action Teams across Australia are finding creative ways to connect with all age groups, despite continuing social restrictions.

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Showing 10 of 72 results for "Alcohol"