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Stronger connections through sport and recreation

Who: Frankston Morning Peninsula LDAT. Led by Frankston Mornington Peninsula Primary Care Partnership (auspice by Peninsula Health) the team includes fourteen local partner organisations.

Community identified need: Prevent and minimise harms from alcohol and other drugs, in particular ‘ice’.

Key activity: Increase accessibility for local young people to participate in community sport and recreational activities as a protective factor to prevent and minimise alcohol and other drug harms.

The community: Frankston is located around 55 kilometres south-east of Melbourne’s CBD, with the Mornington Peninsula further south of Frankston. The area has pockets of disadvantage with high rates of child protection notifications, early school leavers and harmful alcohol consumption among adolescents.

LDAT toolkit resources: Mentoring, Supporting Teenagers, Volunteers, Strong and Connected Communities.

guitar lesson

Activating young people

“We know that participating more fully in community activities often strengthens and helps protect young people from alcohol and drug harms,” says the Alcohol and Drug Foundation’s Eamonn O’Toole.

“Frankston Mornington Peninsula LDAT is reaching out to young people in the area who may otherwise miss out by removing the barriers to participate in both community sport and non-sporting recreational activities.”

Responding to community need

Frankston Mornington Peninsula LDAT recognises that there are many barriers to participating fully in community sport and recreational activities. These include financial barriers.

The LDAT’s ‘ACTIVATE’ program provides funds to pay club fees, equipment and transportation costs, enabling more young people to participate in local sport and recreation.

The project supports a range of activities to help young people feel more connected to their community and boost other ‘protective factors’ like self-esteem and motivation that prevent and minimise alcohol and other drug harms.

Strong local partnerships

Frankston Mornington Peninsula LDAT is committed to a whole-of-community approach and is working with a range of local stakeholders including sporting and recreational clubs, businesses and local service providers including the Brotherhood of St Laurence.