Isaac Region LDAT Queensland
Their sport peer support program focuses on building a sense of belonging and engagement with community among young people – a protective factor against harm from alcohol and other drugs.
Local challenge
The transition from primary school to high school is a time of significant change for young people, as they adapt to a new social and academic environment. It can be a time of anxiety and stress as they need to develop new friendships, while dealing with the physical and emotional changes of puberty.
Local school counsellors, Headspace and other youth agencies in the district report that once a young person from a remote or isolated community has completed their early learning years in their town, the next step is to leave their comfort zone of a small close-knit setting to a much bigger and busier school, often as boarders.
Without support, young people can have problems socially and emotionally, and can often feel vulnerable and alienated.
To address these challenges, the Isaac region LDAT’s Community Action Plan is building on protective factors so students in their remote communities can foster positive peer relationships, reduce social isolation and increase social supports and connectedness.
The focus is on upskilling young local sporting heroes to be positive role models. The LDAT is preparing junior elite athletes (15 to 17 years) as peer leaders who receive training in leadership skills and are supported to help younger students in remote communities transition to high school life away from home.
The LDAT is also delivering a series of fun community sport activities for local families across six remote towns in the Isaac LGA. The events include positive messaging around health, wellbeing, and alcohol and other drugs.

While the Community Action Plan is still being delivered, the junior elite athlete peer leaders report that they have learnt about the harms related to alcohol and other drugs, have the tools to support younger peers and are prepared for their important role in community.
Through the local events, parents and family are more aware of the impact on students as they transition to high school and have more knowledge to support them.
Project partners are Mackay Cutters NRL Club, Queensland Police, Deadly Choices, NRL Development, Moranbah Miners, Clermont Bears, and five local state schools.