Alcohol consumption at council-run events
Policy Objective
ABC Council has adopted this policy to prevent and reduce harm from alcohol products as it relates to Council run events, functions and meetings to support a safer drinking culture and environment.
Policy Rationale
ABC Council is committed to setting high standards for the availability and promotion of alcohol products at particular workplace events, meetings and functions.
By reducing consumption and promotion of alcohol products at City run events, we aim to design and facilitate functions and events that promote low-risk drinking practices.
Employers and employees have a legal duty-of-care to ensure a safe and healthy workplace. The use of alcohol becomes an occupational health and safety issue if a person’s ability to exercise judgment, coordination, motor control and alertness is affected, leading to an increased risk of injury and illness. The alcohol-affected person may not be able to make an accurate assessment of their fitness for work. A person might be alcohol affected due to intoxication or due to hangover effects.
Policy Application
This policy does:
- ensure that enjoyment of a council run event should be available to all attendees at an event and not only to those in the licensed area
- promote community celebrations such as Christmas or New Year’s Eve as alcohol-free events
- support social activities for employees that provide alternatives to consuming alcohol products
- prohibit the provision of alcohol or alcohol-related products as prizes, supported by fundraising and gift giving guidelines
- ensure water, non-alcohol and low strength alcohol product options are available at all work-related functions and meetings where alcohol products are served
- adopt responsible service of alcohol practices at council events, meetings and functions by catering for no more than two standard drinks per staff member
- require all new employees to review ABC Council’s alcohol policy as part of employee induction
- provide access to free, independent and confidential treatment and counselling services for staff requiring support with alcohol-related issues.
Review date: __/__/__