Healthy Workplaces overview
The following toolkit provides an overview of evidence-informed approaches for Healthy Workplaces, to help prevent and reduce alcohol and other drug (AOD) harms in your community. LDATs can access the full version of the toolkits through the Community Action Plan platform LOG IN link (top right).
Healthy Workplaces refers to strategies that workplaces can use to prevent and minimise alcohol and other drug-related harms in the workplace.
The effects of alcohol, illicit drugs and prescription medication during, and outside, work hours can have a significant impact on workplace health, safety and productivity.
The workplace is an important community setting as many people spend a substantial part of their life at work, and it can influence the health-related behaviour of workers.
LDATs can provide identified workplaces with advice and information around creating effective AOD policies, as well as how to provide education and support to employees. You can also link employees to quality information, support organisations and programs.
LDATs may like to focus on high risk industries (such as construction, fly in fly out (FIFO) or hospitality) or specific population groups, such as young male workers.
Toolkit Includes:
- Key points
- Drawing on existing programs
- Guiding principles
- Considerations for planning and delivery
- Healthy Workplaces toolkit: key activity and measuring success
- Healthy Workplaces toolkit: key steps