AOD education in schools overview
LDATs can promote good alcohol and other drug policies in schools and encourage a whole-of-school approach to prevention.
AOD Education in Schools refers to policies, practices, programs and events in schools connected with the prevention and reduction of alcohol and other drug-related harms. Alcohol and other drug education has been shown to be effective with young people in primary and secondary schools, if it’s based on principles of ‘effective practice’ (outlined below).
Engaging students in alcohol and other drug education activities can help shape their attitudes towards alcohol and other drugs. This enables them to identify and develop strategies to prepare for risky situations and make safer and healthier choices.
Although LDATs cannot deliver drug education programs in schools themselves, they can encourage schools to adopt best-practice standards and recommend/promote curriculum programs that are supported by strong evidence to reduce AOD use by students. Additionally, LDATs can promote good alcohol and other drug policies in schools and encourage a whole-of-school approach to prevention.
Toolkit Includes:
- Key points
- Drawing on existing programs
- Guiding principles
- Considerations for planning and delivery
- Delivering Education Programs: key activity and measuring success
- Delivering Education Programs: key steps